PADM 5450. International Public and NGO Management

Hot List for International Management

Table of Contents

This page contains links to web sites and pages having to do with International Public and NGO Management. They have been selected because of their intrinsic importance or because they have links to other sites of a similar nature. The information is divided into the following categories:

The inner structure of many sites is changed frequently with links being removed and, as a result, links may not always work. In that case, go to the organization's main page and see if the link has been re-named.

United Nations System

As a result of the Internet, the organizations of the United Nations system are more accessible than ever before. Each organization has a web site that contains invaluable information about its work as well as some information about its management. The following are key links to the System

  • United Nations. This is the main United Nations page, focussing on the work of the Secretariat mostly in New York.
  • United Nations System web locator. This is a master page containing links to all of the Organizations of the United Nations system.
  • World Bank. This is a complex, but user friendly portal to the World Bank Group. It has different types of material according to interest, including NGO's and journalists.
  • World Trade Organization. This is a new and very important organization whose web pages include the results of dispute resolution, providing an insight into processes that is unique.
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Academic sources on the United Nations System

A number of sites contain work about or links to work about the United Nations system by scholars. These are some of the best sites.

  • Foreign Affairs On-line. A site at the University of Virginia organized by a Professor at Tufts University in Massachusetts with excellent, well-organized links to many international organization sites.
  • The Global Public Policy Project " is part of the United Nations Foundation's "Visioning the UN" program, which aims to support the UN as it prepares for the coming millenium. Our objective is to prepare a report that outlines the challenges of globalization for public policymaking and examines the potential contribution of trisectoral global public policy networks (comprising government actors, nongovernmental organizations, and for-profit companies). Relying on traditional research as well as a comparative analysis of a number of case studies of existing networks, the report will present a set of actionable recommendations on how the UN could employ global public policy networks in its efforts to address global challenges." It is directed by Francis Deng (who is/was a Special Rapporteur for the UN Commission on Human Rights) and Wolfgang Reinicke (author of Global Public Policy, a text used in the course).
  • Academic Council on the UN System. This is a group of academics and international officials who basically support the organization. Its site has extensive links to others as well as copies of the studies made by ACUNS.
  • Journal of International Organizations Studies. A relatively new academic journal founded by members of ACUNS.
  • International Relations and Security Network (ISN). A site set up by the Swiss Government but maintained by academic researchers.
  • International Political Science Association has links to all of the national political science associations affiliated with IPSA .
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Non-Governmental Organizations

Non-governmental organizations, or civil society, is an important part of international management. These links are to sources about the role of NGOs as well as the work of specific NGOs of particular interest in the course.

  • Global Policy Forum NGO links. The Global Policy Forum is an NGO working at UN Headquarters. This page provides links to much of the UN material on the role of NGOs as well as to general issues of NGO participation in work of the United Nations.
  • UN Wire, a service provided by the United Nations Foundation established as a result of the $10 billion grant from Ted Turner has news clippings about the United Nations from all over the world, categorized by subject. You will have to register to become a user, but it is free.
  • United Nations Association of the USA is a major pro-UN NGO. It has news stories on the UN that often are hard to find in the media.
  • NGO Global Network is a gateway whose "aim is to help promote collaborations between NGOs throughout the world, so that together we can more effectively partner
    with the United Nations and each other..." Contains links to web sites of a large number of NGO's classified by main issue interest.
  • Amnesty International is an important human rights NGO.
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Non-UN international public organizations

In addition to the United Nations System and its universal-membership organizations, there are a number of major international organizations with limied membership. Many are regional, others are subject matter specific. Here are some links to a few of the major one.

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Press Releases on the United Nations System

Press releases are one of the best ways to keep current about activities in the United Nations System. However, each UN headquarters and UN system organization has their own site for publishing press releases.

  • UN News. This is the site of the Department of Public Information at UN Headquarters, which covers the General Assembly, the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council and their subsidiary bodies, as well as the Secretariat. The UN now does extensive webcasting and includes an archive of previous webcasts as well as signalling upcoming ones.
  • United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) covers meetings there, including those dealing with human rights, disarmament and refugees. (Go to the main page and click on news and media.
  • United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV) covers meetings relating to crime, drugs, outer space and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) press releases cover the main meetings dealing with nuclear energy.
  • Press coverage of the UN is spotty. The New York Times usually has one story per day. The Washington Post has a section in its site on international organizations. The BBC gives good coverage of UN activities, especially in developing countries.
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Revised: August 21, 2019 .